Crypto Tracing Investigation

Have you been a victim of a crypto scam?

To understand how your funds were transferred, a crypto tracing analysis (on-chain analysis) is required.

For the past 10 years, Broker Defense has been assisting victims of scams. We are capable of producing documents that certify the path of your cryptocurrencies on the blockchain. We provide detailed analysis reports for the police, judicial authorities, or for use by our lawyers.

With the information you provide us (account number and destination wallet), our experts will be able to trace movements on the blockchain to determine when, how, and where your funds were transferred.

Crypto Arnaque

This investigation has two main goals:

To determine the destination of the funds and substantiate a potential criminal complaint, ensuring that law enforcement receives the most comprehensive information available.
To determine which platform received the funds. This would enable us to explore legal action through civil proceedings against the platform with the objective of recovering the funds.
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Crypto&Check Analysis

Cryptocurrency transactions tracing Report

Dispute under $30,000


Choose this plan

Dispute between $30,000 and $100,000


Choose this plan

Dispute over $100,000


Choose this plan
  • Crypto&Check, a service to provide you with blockchain analysis.
  • The Crypto&Check investigation process is thorough and rigorous.
  • Crypto&Check, a powerful analysis tool capable of demixing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete this investigation?

The timeframe varies between one week and 15 days, depending on the complexity of the movements on the blockchain. We work as quickly as possible to ensure progress on cases without delay.

Why does this service require a payment?

To cover their tracks, scammers use complex methods such as multiplying transactions and using mixers. This requires our analysts to examine numerous transactions, which takes time. However, we offer the most competitive pricing on the market for this type of analysis!

Can I order these reports if I do not live in France?

Of course! As long as we have your crypto wallet number and the destination wallet number, we can conduct this analysis. If needed, we can also provide the report in other languages, including English, German and Spanish.

I can't download my transaction history to carry out this analysis.

Here is a methodology to download your crypto transaction history from the largest platforms so that we can assist you with your research. Here is a link to help you compile your file: cliquez-ici (currently available in French only)

Is this analysis possible for all types of cryptocurrencies?

No, these analyses can only be conducted with the most well-known cryptocurrencies, which account for 90% of online scams. For others, we need to perform a preliminary feasibility check.

Why should I pay? I don’t want to spend any more money.

We completely understand your reaction. Unfortunately, it is shared by all the victims we defend. Broker Defense’s goal is to provide you with the most relevant information to help you protect yourself. We offer these analyses at the lowest possible price to ensure you have access to this critical information and can consider the next steps in your defense against the scam you have fallen victim to.

When facing a scam, it would be a shame not to take action and explore all possible options. That is why we strive to offer the most affordable way to take action.

By doing nothing, you can be certain that you will recover nothing…

Do you need assistance?
Contact a member of our team!

Nos domaines


Négociation avec les services conformité et juridiques


Vérification de respect de réglementation, procédure de retours des fonds


Saisie du médiateur des marchés financiers / ou du médiateur des banques (Ombudsman)


Vérification des procédures bancaires, procédure de retours des fonds


Recherche ascendante et descendante, vérification de réputation

Justice / Police

Envoi de signalement et prise de contact avec les autorités